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From the perspective of the Text Client

For development, a basic REPL client is used as a chat interface, built around Typer. The bulk of the logic is in inference.text-client.text_client_utils.DebugClient. The basic steps are as follows:

  1. The debug client first authenticates with a GET request to /auth/callback/debug which returns a bearer token, which is then set in future request headers.

  2. After authenticating, the DebugClient creates a "chat" by posting to /chats, which returns a chat_id for session.

  3. The script then collects the user prompt.

  4. The DebugClient posts to the endpoint /chats/{chat_id}/messages. Included in this request is the message content, a parent_id:str (ID of assistant's response to prior message, if there is one), the model_config_name:str, and inference sampling_parameters:dict. In the response, the server will return a message_id:str.

  5. The client will use this id to make a GET request to {backend_url}/chats/{chat_id}/messages/{message_id}/events. Critically, in this get() method of requests, the stream=True is passed, meaning that the response content will not be immediately downloaded but rather streamed. Additionally, the actual GET request must have "Accept": "text/event-stream" in the headers to let the server know we are awaiting an event stream.

  6. The response is then used to instantiate an SSEClient, which - via its events() method, returns an iterable that can be used to print out inference results, one token at a time.

  7. After exhausting the events iterable (ie inference is complete), the user is prompted for a new message.

From the perspective of the OA Inference Server

The inference server is built around FastAPI.

  1. When the client posts to /chats, the UserChatRepository - an interface between application logic and chats message tables - creates a chat in the chat table, which assigns the needed chat id and is returned in the response to the client.

  2. Next, the client POSTs to /chats/{chat_id}/prompter_message, which uses the UserChatRepository to:

    1. Check to see if the message content included in the POST request is longer than the configured settings.
    2. Using the database session and user_id which was configured when this instance of UserChatRepository was instantiated, we lookup in the chat table the corresponding entry for this chat_id and user_id.
    3. Check to see if the total number of assistant + prompter messages in the chat is greater than the configured settings.
    4. If this is a new chat (i.e. no parent_id is set in the chat), and the chat table contains no title for chat of that id, updates the chat table with the initial user prompt as title.
    5. Creates a message in the message table for the user prompt.
  3. The client then POSTs to /chats/{chat_id}/assistant_message.

    1. First we load the model config for the model_config_name specified by the client's request.
    2. Then, we use the UserChatRepository to post to create a message in the message table, with a pending state. Note, we also will update the state for any other currently pending messages in the chat to inference.MessageState.cancelled.
    3. After updating the message table, we create a RedisQueue for this specific message and enque the message.
    4. Finally, we return an inference.MessageRead (a Pydantic model) to the client. This is the object contains the needed message_id.
  4. Once the client has the message_id, it will make a GET request to /chats/{chat_id}/messages/{message_id}/events. Upon receiving this request, the server retrieves the message from the message table and verifies that the message isn't finished and that the message role is assistant.

After this, we get the Redis queue for this specific message id. From here, we poll the queue, using the dequeue() method. By default this method will block for up to 1 second, however if a message is added to the queue in that interval, it will automatically be returned. Otherwise, dequeue() will return None.

If None is returned and this is the first time we have polled the queue since its creation, we will yield a chat_schema.PendingResponseEvent. The loop will continue, with 1 second blocking (by default), until a message item is returned. A message item is a tuple where the first element is a string of the message id, and the second element is a response. After some checks on the message response type (for example if there is a safety intervention or an internal error from the worker), we yield a chat_schema.MessageResponseEvent. The message polling and yielding is bundled in an EventSourceResponse object.

The EventSourceResponse is Server Sent Events (SSE) plugin for Starlette/FastAPI, which takes content and returns it as part of a HTTP event stream. You can check out the EventSourceResposethe library's source code for more details about how this works.

From the perspective of the OA Worker

This section is not yet written. If you are interested in helping write it please get in touch on GitHub or Discord.