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Data Schemas


This document describes the data schemas used by OpenAssistant. The schemas are defined as Python classes, but can be implemented in any format, be that Python, JSON, XML, SQL, Parquet files, etc.

Also, the schemas are leaning heavily on the OpenAssistant Data Structures presentation.

Note on conformity: be pragmatic and decide what makes sense 🙂 , it's more important that we move forward than cramming everything into a uniform thing.

Data Schemas

Main structure: conversation trees

Conversation trees are the fundamental data structure. Many of the datasets we want to collect can be represented as conversation trees, such as QA datasets, chat logs, reddit dumps, etc. The main idea is that a conversation tree starts with a prompt and branches out from there. Every node can also have metadata, such as collected rankings, labels, or other information.

Datasets that just represent linear data, such as a list of questions and answers, can be represented as a conversation tree with just a single branch.

class ConversationTreeNode:
text: str # The text of the node
role: Literal['prompter', 'assistant'] # Whether the node is a user prompt/follow-up or an assistant response
children: list[ConversationTreeNode] # The children of the node (if you have a linear conversation, this will be of length 0 or 1)
metadata: dict[str, Any] # Node metadata (see below)

class ConversationTree:
root: ConversationTreeNode # The node containing the initial prompt
metadata: dict[str, Any] # Tree metadata, different from root node metadata.


Metadata encapsulates all the information that is not part of the conversation itself. This includes data about how the node was created (i.e. where it is from: crowd-sourced, templated, scraped, etc.), when it was created, its labels, tags, collected rankings, and other information.

Example: Reddit AMA dataset

  • Represent each question-follow-up set as a conversation tree.
  • Store things like usernames, timestamps, upvotes, etc. as metadata of the nodes.
  • Store things like the AMA title, the AMA author, the AMA subreddit, etc. as metadata of the tree.

Example: QA dataset

  • Represent each question-answer pair as a conversation tree.
    • The question is the prompt, the answer is the assistant response.
  • If the dataset contains multiple answers to each question, each answer can be a child of the question node.
  • If the dataset contains context text, it can be added as metadata to the question node.

Example: Templated math problem dataset

  • Represent each problem as a conversation tree with the problem text as the prompt and the solution as the assistant response.
  • Store the problem type (e.g. algebra, geometry, etc.) as metadata of the tree.
  • Store the template used also as metadata of the tree, as well as the source of the data used to fill the template.

File Formats

The above data should be representable in most file formats, but some care has to be taken with respect to the recursive nature of the data.

Most row-major formats (JSON, Avro, Protobuf, etc.), as well as many databases, have no trouble with recursive (or arbitrary) schemas, but column-major formats, such as Parquet, do. For datasets with linear conversations, like many of the datasets we are collecting, this is not a problem. Instead of a tree of nodes, simply represent the conversation as a list of nodes. For true tree-like conversations, we should use a row-major format.

Other considerations

  • For text data of moderate size, it really doesn't matter much. It's more important to use consistent data structures and naming, than to worry about the exact file format.
  • For crowd-sourced data, we are collecting it into a SQL database already.
  • Parquet files are a good choice for large datasets, modulo the issues with recursive schemas.
  • If parquet can't be used, gzipped JSON-line files are a good choice. So are Avro files and protobufs. Keep in mind that column-major files are better for reading, filtering, and aggregating, but row-major files are better for writing.

Task-Specific Data Schemas

The main tasks are a) generation of response text and b) ranking of responses. The following sections describe the data schemas for each of these tasks. Both should be implementable in parquet files.

Note: These files are meant to be consumed by ML algorithms and should ideally be produced from the above files.

Common Data Structures

class Message:
text: str # The text of the message
role: Literal['prompter', 'assistant'] # Whether the message is a user prompt/follow-up or an assistant response

class Thread:
messages: list[Message] # The messages in the conversation

The corresponding parquet schemas are:

message Message {
required binary text (UTF8);
required binary role (UTF8);

message Thread {
required group messages (LIST) {
repeated group list {
required group element {
required binary text (UTF8);
required binary role (UTF8);


class GenerationExample:
thread: Thread # The conversation thread before the message to be generated
message: Message # The message to be generated

The corresponding parquet schema is:

message GenerationExample {
required group thread (LIST) {
repeated group list {
required group element {
required binary text (UTF8);
required binary role (UTF8);
required group message (LIST) {
repeated group list {
required group element {
required binary text (UTF8);
required binary role (UTF8);


class RankingExample:
thread: Thread # The conversation thread before the message to be ranked
messages: list[Message] # The messages to be ranked, in order of decreasing preference

The corresponding parquet schema is:

message RankingExample {
required group thread (LIST) {
repeated group list {
required group element {
required binary text (UTF8);
required binary role (UTF8);
required group messages (LIST) {
repeated group list {
required group element {
required binary text (UTF8);
required binary role (UTF8);


Open-Assistant uses two databases, one for the backend and one for the frontend. Both are PostgreSQL databases which run in docker containers.

Backend ER-Diagram

ER-Diagram of backend Database


  • In order for the diagram to not be too messy, foreign key connection to api_client are not shown.
  • frontend_message_id references id of taskInteraction on the frontend

Frontend ER-Diagram

ER-Diagram of frontend Database


  • id of registeredTask references id of message on the backend